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24-Jun-2024 jCross

June 24, 2024

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We are heading out to Ireland next Sunday for a three week adventure. I am very excited about it. I have done a bit of studying up on the stuff we are going to see. There are quite a few YouTube videos that are pretty good. There are lots more that are just plain crappy. Anyway, the way Ginny prepares for a trip is to perform a "practice pack." She puts her suitcase in the bathroom and frets for several weeks about what to take and what not to take. Being a guy, it takes me about thirty minutes to pack a suitcase and that's it. This time around Ginny has been insisting that I perform a practice pack. I resisted successfully for quite a while, but the walls closed in on me finally, so I succumbed to the pressure. Sure enough, thirty minutes later I was finished with the exercise. Ginny was satisfied. Peace returned to the realm.

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max
1/60s f/1.8 at 6.8mm iso800 full exif

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