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John B. Chandler | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Danz Cabins at LBJ State Park > Danz cabin#1
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Danz cabin#1

Olympus E-3
1/200s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso200 full exif

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John B. Chandler09-Aug-2014 13:47
Sorry, this cabin is not for rent. However, there are several Texas State Parks that do have cabins for rent, including “rustic” one’s like these, see:, and these:;

Good luck on your quest to become a hermit for a couple of weeks.

Best wishes,

--John C.
talmagedangerfield08-Aug-2014 14:37
I have always wanted to rent a little cabin like this one for a week or two. It would be so relaxing to get away from it all, and to live like a hermit for a few weeks. I wonder how much this cabin would cost to rent.
Milan Vogrin04-Mar-2014 16:16
Very nice!V!
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