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People pix

Where I will gather people pix, those willing, including family.
always liked turtles
always liked turtles
Joe with Broad-banded Water Snake 97 F evening
Joe with Broad-banded Water Snake 97 F evening
Fern Canyon, Chihuahua, MX
Fern Canyon, Chihuahua, MX
viewing Chihuahuan desert from South Rim
viewing Chihuahuan desert from South Rim
On the Current River, MO
On the Current River, MO
almost snake-bit
almost snake-bit
my youngest at the top of Black Mesa
my youngest at the top of Black Mesa
guys heading home from sledrun
guys heading home from sledrun
Me and a soul buddy--North Carolina mountains
Me and a soul buddy--North Carolina mountains
With two of my sons--North Carolina mountains
With two of my sons--North Carolina mountains
Bryan's dogs--being my pals.
Bryan's dogs--being my pals.
Famous Dave on the prairie
Famous Dave on the prairie
Shorebird survey
Shorebird survey
floating the Rio Grande River
floating the Rio Grande River
Photographing photographer photographing
Photographing photographer photographing
standing on Elk Mountain
standing on Elk Mountain
hike in the Narrows
hike in the Narrows
guy on beach
guy on beach
Posing at Big Creek Lake
Posing at Big Creek Lake
friendly pic.
friendly pic.
Nothin' but trouble
Nothin' but trouble
my favorite girlfriend
my favorite girlfriend
big smile
big smile
pleasant picture
pleasant picture
on West Branch Trail in the Rawahs
on West Branch Trail in the Rawahs
On the trail in the Rawahs
On the trail in the Rawahs
rest on Grassy Pass, Rawahs, CO
rest on Grassy Pass, Rawahs, CO
relaxing on Big Creek Lake, CO
relaxing on Big Creek Lake, CO
Big part of my life
Big part of my life
posing below the Volcan de Colima
posing below the Volcan de Colima
posing below the Volcan de Colima
posing below the Volcan de Colima
hiking the stream near Agua Fria, Colima, MX
hiking the stream near Agua Fria, Colima, MX
going over Purgatory Falls
going over Purgatory Falls
kayaking the Mountain Fork, OK
kayaking the Mountain Fork, OK
on the lower Mountain Fork River, se. OK
on the lower Mountain Fork River, se. OK
creeping up on a turtle
creeping up on a turtle