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Joaquin M Garcia Leal | all galleries >> Galleries >> Larga Exposiciones - Long exposures > Perseguidos
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Playa Negretes, Calblanque, Murcia

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
407s f/4.5 at 22.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Robert Charity03-Oct-2006 18:56
beautiful, great mood, V
Guest 19-Jul-2006 23:39
Nice image :O)
Bob B.19-Jul-2006 01:01
Beautiful! v
Guest 18-Jul-2006 19:53
Beautiful landscape!
Guest 18-Jul-2006 17:20
fantastic picture
Graham Tomlin18-Jul-2006 16:59
very nice regards Helen
Bill Gallagher18-Jul-2006 16:18
Beautiful image. Vote.
Beverly Wickersham18-Jul-2006 16:07
Terrific shot.
Guest 18-Jul-2006 15:39
Very cool shot.. It's pretty cool to see how much things in space move in about 7 minutes...