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Pbase Who would have thunk? July 30 2007 R1011188.jpg

Who would have thought that a story about a very sweet cat would have attracted so much attention?

It has been mind boggling..

By far the funniest was a cartoon from the Oregonia that was sent to me.

Link to the cartoon

The setting is the Attorney General office of the US with Oscar dressed up as Grim Reaper
with an an aide saying, "Mr. Attorney General , There is some weird cat from a nursing home here to see you."

Sorry about the SP, but I just finished 10 days of being on call, getting a grant out, and dealing with
requests that David could not handel about Oscar the cat.

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1s f/5.1 at 5.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad01-Aug-2007 12:24
Nice SP - you look busy. ;-)
I had a chuckle at the cartoon, but joking aside I hope the media's lighthearted approach will bring more attention to the serious side... I've come across many older people who have been nowhere near as fortunate as your patients in the care they get from those around them... If only everyone could have an Oscar (and a Joan!) when the time comes...
Guest 31-Jul-2007 14:23
That's quite a story. I'm really sorry I missed the program on the BBC. But to think that I got to meet a star, or at least someone who is close to a star!
Guest 31-Jul-2007 12:14
funny sp, great work with Oscar.
laine8231-Jul-2007 11:52
Can only imagine what this has time to take it all in no doubt :>)
Gayle P. Clement31-Jul-2007 05:16
Fun and comfortable SP, Joan.
snootydog31-Jul-2007 03:36
This is really amazing. But the fact is that oscar really is an amazing feline so the attention is well deserved. I see letterman in your future. Maybe the today show? Or has this already happened and I missed the talk about it?
Sheila31-Jul-2007 02:24
You are really famous when you have a daily cartoon done about you! Great SP too, Joan. You only look slightly frazzled :-)
Guest 31-Jul-2007 01:29
You're famous and we're all loving it! This is such a great shot. V
Pic Chick31-Jul-2007 00:06
ahahahaha - I want to see it! Can you post it Joan. Isn't it AMAZING what the media can do for a story? I love the shot too - classic!!
northstar3730-Jul-2007 23:57