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My Favourite Photos

Photos by Joanne Santillo
All photos in these galleries are Copyright © Joanne Santillo All Rights Reserved

These are a collection of my favourite photos from all my galleries. My favourite of all is first and the rest are not in a particular order.
Cute & Cuddly ... 22 March 2005 - PaD
Cute & Cuddly ... 22 March 2005 - PaD
3 - A blue and ochre painted house front in Oia
3 - A blue and ochre painted house front in Oia
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v3/09/54409/3/29975048.P5210913.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30193452.CopyofPA290022.jpg u16/joannes/medium/5114214.P9170014.jpg Snuggles
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Early one morning - mist over the Ouse
Early one morning - mist over the Ouse
Teddies United!
Teddies United!
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u43/joannes/medium/28017763.PhotosWebPhotosMacroPB040174.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30141989.P5220941.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30142051.P5220940.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30187727.P5280008.jpg
g3/09/54409/3/29041201.P5020757.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30137911.P5020753.jpg Chaz
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v3/09/54409/3/30144790.P1010020.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30145535.PC190397.jpg Greek monastery
Greek monastery
I just liked this one
I just liked this one
Dimitras Temple again
Dimitras Temple again
The sea!
The sea!
Close up of Typical blue domed church of Naxos
Close up of Typical blue domed church of Naxos
Cretan chapel architecture
Cretan chapel architecture
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v3/09/54409/3/30200488.P7190039.jpg v3/09/54409/3/30207379.P4070038.jpg u47/joannes/medium/30187744.P5280009.jpg Two ornaments in my garden - 9th July 2004 - PaD
Two ornaments in my garden - 9th July 2004 - PaD
In our wake
In our wake
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