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Johnnie Rogers | all galleries >> Insects and Spiders >> Dragonflies and Damselflies > Banded Demoiselle
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03-JUL-2015 Johnnie Rogers ARPS

Banded Demoiselle

Nikon 1 V1 ,Nikon 1 70-300 CX VR
1/250s f/5.6 at 149.4mm iso220
FOTGA 16mm Extension Tube full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
hamery06-Jul-2015 14:26
A moody composition and capture with extreme sharpness, Johnnie. V
Range View 04-Jul-2015 08:47
A stunning image with amazing sharp detail in glorious colour. BV.
joseantonio04-Jul-2015 08:06
Lovely series of closeup details.V
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