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Canon EOS 20D ,Sigma 100-300 F4 APO DG

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ac18-Apr-2006 16:50
Compo originale et belle couleurs.
Michael Shpuntov18-Apr-2006 01:14
Very unusual compositon. Works great. Such a strong feeling of balance.
Jola Dziubinska17-Apr-2006 20:23
Cool shot! Extraordinary colors and light.
Guest 17-Apr-2006 20:05
Superb reflection and comp
Chris Sofopoulos17-Apr-2006 19:20
Beautiful colour and a lovely image!
Nicki Thurgar17-Apr-2006 17:59
Wonderful colours, interesting perspective!
Katie Chew17-Apr-2006 17:44
Nice catch and reflection
Arno Meintjes Wildlife17-Apr-2006 17:22
No head, one leg....unique new bird. Have you named it yet ?
Very nice catsh, well done. Arno
Guest 17-Apr-2006 17:16
Pauvre flamant, deja qu'il lui manquait une patte, mais maitenant tu lui coupes la tete! ;-)
Belle composition. superbes reflets.
Marie-Hélène Raletz17-Apr-2006 17:09
... je dirais même plus, c'est surréaliste! :)
Marie-Hélène Raletz17-Apr-2006 17:08
"Off with her head! "
... Alice in Wonderland... :)
Ca me rappelle la fameuse partie de croquet.
Un cadrage osé et amusant.