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Joe Lasker | all galleries >> Galleries >> My first time playing with ETTL lighting ratios. >
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Guest 27-Dec-2009 13:03
Really good i like how you have managed no glare in the glasses
Guest 21-Oct-2007 20:55
I like this one a LOT Joe, great job!!!
Jim Thode21-Oct-2007 18:14
This is very good. You mentioned that you had a problem with getting a catch light. My suggestion is to add a spot of catch light with PS. It will make a big difference and is easy to do. On this picture you have a very faint catch light on the right side of your right eye and some on the right and left of your left eye. I would enhance the light in your right eye and remove all the existing light in the left eye and add just a little on the right side of the left eye to match the position of the light on the right eye. We don't want to to look cross-eye or wall-eyed.
Jennifer K21-Oct-2007 18:11
I like them all, but this one has the nicest angle, not shot from below as much? Very handsome, as always!
Don Parkhurst21-Oct-2007 16:38
I agree with Bruce, this is the best of the portraits. Well done.
Bruce Ward21-Oct-2007 15:06
This one is my favorite. I connect best with subjects who look me in the eye.
Susannadanna 21-Oct-2007 13:29
This portrait has the best portrayal of his identity. I like the expression, the lighting, the hair and glasses, even the make-up.
Guest 21-Oct-2007 13:22
I think this to be the best of the bunch..
Guest 21-Oct-2007 03:12
Yep, intensity in that gaze, very good!
noearlybird21-Oct-2007 02:53
Such intent. Kathie
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