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Canon EOS 20D
1/1250s f/4.0 at 67.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ruth Rothschild 10-Dec-2017 21:56
Another beautiful B & W IR image. Wonderful contrasts. I also like the somewhat blurred reflections of the trees on the water.
Guest 28-Apr-2010 20:11
very nice! dawn
Marianne Venegoni28-Apr-2010 19:45
This is really classy!
Guest 26-Apr-2010 17:22
Really nice Joe!
Georgia Roessler25-Apr-2010 19:08
Beautiful, Joe!
I just love what IR does for foliage!
Guest 25-Apr-2010 18:33
Such a handsome, ethereal image!
Guest 25-Apr-2010 18:31
beautiful reflection..
Mike Johnston25-Apr-2010 13:58
I like this one a lot.
Makes really good use of IR. The trees and reflection are beautiful.
Lesley Mattuchio25-Apr-2010 11:30
This one is fab too!
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