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Eidoscope 600mm,18x24cm negative

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Geneviève Cotineau20-Jan-2011 02:27
Très beau portrait!
Luc V.. 04-Nov-2010 21:55
Heel mooi portret Jean-Luc en model natuurlijk.

Zoals men hier schrijft tijdloos!
Gerhard Ritsema18-Jan-2009 22:21
Tijdloos! Prachtig portret!
geranio13-Jun-2008 19:09
Lovely, very nice glace. V.
Eric Herbelin12-Jun-2008 11:21
superb! v
Galina Stepanova11-Jun-2008 22:40
Beautiful portrait!
Sue Robertson09-Jun-2008 23:22
Lovely portrait!. Beautiful tones. v
jude06-Jun-2008 22:56
Wow.. beautiful exposure, and the sepia does her justice. THere is a beautiful quiet to her look. Just excellent.
Guest 06-Jun-2008 21:14
Really sweet portrait-- love the tones, and the expression is lovely. v.
marie-jose wolff06-Jun-2008 17:06
très réussi ce portrait, tout en douceur...V