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Bob Pelkey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2008 NG Photo Contest Entries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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2008 NG Photo Contest Entries

The photographs in this gallery are my entries in the 2008 National Geographic International Photo Contest.
They have been submitted in the Nature category.

Before you submit a photograph, please make sure it meets the following requirements:
* JPG or JPEG file format (ex. YourImage.jpg or YourImage.jpeg)
* At least 1,600 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 1,600 pixels tall (if a vertical image)
* Total file size must be less than 5 megabytes (MB)
You may submit a total of six (6) photos to the contest, in one or more of these categories: People, Places, and Nature.
The submission period begins on August 1, 2008, at 12:00 am EST and closes on October 31, 2008, at 11:59 pm EST.

There are additional requirements for entries in the contest which can be read at the above link.

The images can be viewed as "original" as they were submitted to National Geographic,
but are presented here at a smaller file size to conserve pbase memory.

Click on an image below to enlarge or view slideshow.

g3/44/773144/3/102767130.o8IlPYDn.jpg g3/44/773144/3/102769964.TM50sdQa.jpg g3/44/773144/3/102924768.Ryk9QcrD.jpg g1/44/773144/3/103955078.MgTcghTm.jpg