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Jeff Kohn | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> Cats > Roar!
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Actually she's just yawning, she wasn't mad at me or anything :)

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/125s f/4.5 at 24.0mm iso200 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dick Osseman05-Feb-2005 21:15

I followed your sound explanation on DPreview on the enigma of two lenses with the same focal distance giving a different field of view, that was helpful in itself. Then I followed the trail to your site, and being a cat-lover stumbled on this picture. Wonderful, thank you. The way the wiskers go in all directions, the fur following suit .. The eyes are relaxed though, so I do not fear this beast. Must be nice having it about the house.

Kindest regards,

Dick Osseman