Um.....hi. Sorry I haven’t been around. {insert excuse here}
i have been pretty busy lately. The whole photography business is keeping me fairly busy (I will make a gallery of recent work) as has soccer. For those of you that don’t know, I coach a U-9 girls soccer team that Hailey plays for. I seriously love every girl on the team. We have been together for a year now. Last season, we went 1-7. We only won ONE game. Not good. I came to this program from a different program where I was very successful. I think the parents expected great things. Those of you that know me know how competitive I am. I was pretty upset.
We practiced through the summer, got everyone up to where I wanted them and just played out last game of the regular season today. Our record this season........8-0. Undefeated baby. My soccer chicks steamrolled everyone that stood in front of them. We are going to the playoffs next Saturday. I took this one right after the game finished. Hailey had 15 goals on the season.
I couldn’t be more proud of these girls. They are the most badass U-9 girls team anywhere.
Roll on soccer chicks, roll on.