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Jim Welker | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Matt 26-Aug-2005 14:17
Angelmay 21-Nov-2002 14:26
Hi Jim, I'm one of Jean's friends from Alabama. These pics are great. You are a great photographer. This fright fest looks like a lot of fun. Hope to see it someday. Keep taking all those great photo's and be nice to that woman of yours. She's the best. Take care, Byeeeeeee
Diane 01-Nov-2002 16:05
Jim - You are very talented. Your photography is great! Some pretty scary looking people in the Fright Fest. (p.s. I'm Jean's friend from Anaheim)
Ophelia 27-Oct-2002 07:26
Your photography is excellant and the makeup superb, the talent pretty scary. *shivers*
I am a tiny bit disappointed though. I didn't see the Vampire Queen from Nightmares anywhere in your selection. Can you tell me if you have any pics, just where to see them?
Guest 14-Oct-2002 20:14
I enjoyed your pictures GREAT JOB