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Jim Thode | all galleries >> Galleries >> Other > CRW_4524a.jpg
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Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/79s f/6.3 at 40.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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godro27-Feb-2013 00:07
I like it,well done!
Willard F. Zahn 16-Apr-2010 22:50
Reflexions are often used to solve mystery plots. With a jillion pixels per square inch, licence plates can be read from outer space. Magnification of fauna eye reflexions could make a specialty of Forensic Photography. Who done it?
Bill Zahn, Long Beach CA
Brenda Knoll Budd02-Feb-2010 02:30
That is great! I never thought of doing that!
Fay Stout09-May-2009 01:39
I'm loving this! V.
Annelance26-Nov-2008 16:20
I love your pictures. I have one similar to this, where I was reflected in the eye with my camera.......but I dubbed in another shot without the camera with photo shop. Unfortunately I uploaded too large of pictures so if you want to see it, you will have to go halfway through the slide show.
cits_4_pets01-Oct-2008 02:12
Nice meeting you! v come meet me..
Guest 09-Aug-2008 04:28
Are you kidding me! That is GREAT Jim. Wow! Vote
Michal Leszczynski16-May-2008 08:07
Great photo. V.
Darla 29-Jan-2008 08:06
This is such a cool picture! Bravo!
missy_gardenwhimsy09-Dec-2007 20:36
Wow! Awesome picture!
Monte Dodge06-Dec-2007 14:17
Very creative,, vote
Emad Omar30-Aug-2006 19:14
a great shot It is not a traditional shot