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Jim Larkey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Weminuche Wilderness, CO 2002 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Weminuche Wilderness, CO 2002

Colorado's Weminuche Wilderness is more than a half million acres in size---Colorado's largest. It contains the headwaters of the Rio Grande, Piedra, Los Pinos, Animas, and the San Juan rivers. Located in the heart of the San Juan Mountains. It is named after a band of Ute Indians who lived, hunted, and fished the area.

In 1975, Congress combined the San Juan and Upper Rio Grande primitive areas into the Wilderness area. With an average elevation of 10,000 ft., it is the highest wilderness area in the nation. More than 80 miles of the Continental Divide passes through the Weminuche Wilderness.

Three of Colorado's 54 Fourteeners are located in the Wilderness: Mt. Eolis (14,083 ft), Sunlight Peak (14,059 ft), and Windom Peak (14,082 ft). In addition, there are 81 high mountain lakes.

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