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Color Tour, Colorado, 2010

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Operating Boiler Pressure, 195 psi
Operating Boiler Pressure, 195 psi
Back End of Parlor Car, D&RGW Emblem
Back End of Parlor Car, D&RGW Emblem
Inside of Parlor-Class Car
Inside of Parlor-Class Car
Engine #488 Claims the Right-of-Way
Engine #488 Claims the Right-of-Way
Engine Blow-Down, Steam Release to Reduce Pressure From Downhill Travel
Engine "Blow-Down", Steam Release to Reduce Pressure From Downhill Travel
A Sight Out of the 1880's
A Sight Out of the 1880's
Engine #484 Crossing Cascade Trestle, Built in 1889 of Iron
Engine #484 Crossing "Cascade Trestle", Built in 1889 of Iron
Awesome Gold!
Awesome Gold!
My Lunch at Osier, Salad Bar Selections, With a Million Dollar View
My Lunch at Osier, Salad Bar Selections, With a Million Dollar View
Elegant and Functional Chandelier in Parlor Car
Elegant and Functional Chandelier in Parlor Car
Our Lunch Competitors on Engine #488 Steam Towards Cumbres Pass
Our Lunch Competitors on Engine #488 Steam Towards Cumbres Pass
Approaching Toltec Gorge
Approaching Toltec Gorge
Mud Tunnel (milepost 311.3), Dug Through Soft Volcanic Ash, Lined With Timber to Avoid Mud Slides
Mud Tunnel (milepost 311.3), Dug Through Soft Volcanic Ash, Lined With Timber to Avoid Mud Slides
Looking Back at East Portal of Mud Tunnel (milepost 311.3)
Looking Back at East Portal of Mud Tunnel (milepost 311.3)
A Couple Miles From Sublette, NM
A Couple Miles From Sublette, NM
Weather is Definitely Deteriorating, As Well As Visibility.  Whiplash Curve
Weather is Definitely Deteriorating, As Well As Visibility. Whiplash Curve
Negotiating Whiplash Curve
Negotiating Whiplash Curve
In the Cloud
In the Cloud
3 Miles From Antonito Station, and the Rain Never Let Up
3 Miles From Antonito Station, and the Rain Never Let Up
Approaching the Sangre de Cristos, Morning Clouds
Approaching the Sangre de Cristos, Morning Clouds
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Kit Carson Peak (14,165') is Up There, Somewhere
Kit Carson Peak (14,165') is Up There, Somewhere
The Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich.....Ever!
The Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich.....Ever!
Best Muffin Ever, Bliss Cafe
Best Muffin Ever, Bliss Cafe
Willow Creek Drainage, Access to Kit Carson Peak, to the left of summit
Willow Creek Drainage, Access to Kit Carson Peak, to the left of summit
Kit Carson Peak (14,165'), extreme right
Kit Carson Peak (14,165'), extreme right
Crestone Town Hall
Crestone Town Hall
Little Shepherd in the Hills Episcopal Church, One of Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Little Shepherd in the Hills Episcopal Church, One of Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Town Hall Light
Town Hall Light
First Season's Snow on the Summits
First Season's Snow on the Summits
Approaching North Crestone USFS Campground
Approaching North Crestone USFS Campground
Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Must be an Obama Supporter?
Must be an Obama Supporter?
Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich Ever, Bliss Cafe...Be Sure to Stop Here!
Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich Ever, Bliss Cafe...Be Sure to Stop Here!
Shambala Tea House
Shambala Tea House
Crestone Creek Drainage
Crestone Creek Drainage
Kit Carson Peak, extreme right
Kit Carson Peak, extreme right
Arkansas River, Below Boathouse Cantina, Salida
Arkansas River, Below Boathouse Cantina, Salida
A Moment of Reflection
A Moment of Reflection
Ghost Signs, Boathouse Cantina, Formerly Manhattan Hotel
Ghost Signs, Boathouse Cantina, Formerly Manhattan Hotel
Life is Good, In the Boathouse Cantina
Life is Good, In the Boathouse Cantina
Time to Enjoy a Sip of Brew, Boathouse Cantina, Salida
Time to Enjoy a Sip of Brew, Boathouse Cantina, Salida
The Gold on the North Shore of Turquoise Lake
The Gold on the North Shore of Turquoise Lake
Aspen Among the Fir
Aspen Among the Fir
Aspen on the North Shore of Tuquoise Lake
Aspen on the North Shore of Tuquoise Lake
Aspen on East Side of Turquoise Lake
Aspen on East Side of Turquoise Lake
Early Morning (7:00AM) View of Mt Massive, From Super8 Parking Lot
Early Morning (7:00AM) View of Mt Massive, From Super8 Parking Lot
Mt Elbert With Season's First Dusting of Snow
Mt Elbert With Season's First Dusting of Snow
Mt Elbert (snow capped on right), Across Twin Lakes
Mt Elbert (snow capped on right), Across Twin Lakes
Mt Elbert (snow capped on right), Across Twin Lakes
Mt Elbert (snow capped on right), Across Twin Lakes
Mt Elbert (14,433'), snow-capped near center
Mt Elbert (14,433'), snow-capped near center
Looking Back (easterly) on Twin Lake Shoreline
Looking Back (easterly) on Twin Lake Shoreline
Blue & Gold
Blue & Gold
Tall, Incredibly Straight Trunk
Tall, Incredibly Straight Trunk
Best Stand of Aspen I've Ever Seen, Mt Elbert (background)
Best Stand of Aspen I've Ever Seen, Mt Elbert (background)
Golden Canopy
Golden Canopy
Distant Mt Elbert
Distant Mt Elbert
How Many Trees Do You See?  One!
How Many Trees Do You See? One!
The Tall Ones
The Tall Ones
...More Gold Coins
...More Gold Coins
Open-Air Crapper
Open-Air Crapper
Dexter Cabin, Constructed in mid-1890's
Dexter Cabin, Constructed in mid-1890's
Fireplace Inside Dexter Cabin
Fireplace Inside Dexter Cabin
Complete With Indoor Plumbing, Full Bath and Running Water
Complete With Indoor Plumbing, Full Bath and Running Water
2nd Floor Views
2nd Floor Views
Inter-Laken Resort Log-Hewn Stables
Inter-Laken Resort Log-Hewn Stables
Inter-Laken Resort, Granaries
Inter-Laken Resort, Granaries
Hotel, Inter-Laken Resort
Hotel, Inter-Laken Resort
g1/06/5106/3/129216705.RRcHlsz2.jpg g1/06/5106/3/129216706.XVq3ebeP.jpg
Reflections of Elbert Massif in Twin Lakes
Reflections of Elbert Massif in Twin Lakes
Reflections of Elbert Massif in Twin Lakes
Reflections of Elbert Massif in Twin Lakes
Pieces of Gold on the Hillside
Pieces of Gold on the Hillside
Reflections Easterly, Across Twin Lakes
Reflections Easterly, Across Twin Lakes
Best Buds, Trails End
Best Buds, Trails End
Our Next Condo
Our Next Condo
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