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Jim Larkey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Color Tour, Colorado, 2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Color Tour, Colorado, 2010

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Approaching the Sangre de Cristos, Morning Clouds
Approaching the Sangre de Cristos, Morning Clouds
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Sangre de Cristos, After Day-Long Rain
Kit Carson Peak (14,165') is Up There, Somewhere
Kit Carson Peak (14,165') is Up There, Somewhere
The Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich.....Ever!
The Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich.....Ever!
Best Muffin Ever, Bliss Cafe
Best Muffin Ever, Bliss Cafe
Willow Creek Drainage, Access to Kit Carson Peak, to the left of summit
Willow Creek Drainage, Access to Kit Carson Peak, to the left of summit
Kit Carson Peak (14,165'), extreme right
Kit Carson Peak (14,165'), extreme right
Crestone Town Hall
Crestone Town Hall
Little Shepherd in the Hills Episcopal Church, One of Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Little Shepherd in the Hills Episcopal Church, One of Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Town Hall Light
Town Hall Light
First Season's Snow on the Summits
First Season's Snow on the Summits
Approaching North Crestone USFS Campground
Approaching North Crestone USFS Campground
Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Many Spiritual Centers in Crestone
Must be an Obama Supporter?
Must be an Obama Supporter?
Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich Ever, Bliss Cafe...Be Sure to Stop Here!
Best Smoked BBQ Yak Sandwich Ever, Bliss Cafe...Be Sure to Stop Here!
Shambala Tea House
Shambala Tea House
Crestone Creek Drainage
Crestone Creek Drainage
Kit Carson Peak, extreme right
Kit Carson Peak, extreme right
Arkansas River, Below Boathouse Cantina, Salida
Arkansas River, Below Boathouse Cantina, Salida
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