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Jim Larkey | all galleries >> Galleries >> Canyon de Chelly, Chinle, AZ....June '05 > Navajo Art Chronicles Narbona Expedition .....(Continued Below, Click on Pic)
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Navajo Art Chronicles Narbona Expedition .....(Continued Below, Click on Pic)

Navajo Art Chronicles Narbona Expedition at Standing Cow Ruin, Note Flat Hats, Capes, & Muskets. In 1805 Lt. Antonio Narbona Led 303 Sonoran Troopers Against 115 Navajo Men, Women, & Children. The Assualt on the Navajos Who Took Shelter on the Ledge (Massacre Cave) From the Spanish Cavalcade, Left Only One Old Man Surviving.

Canon EOS 20D
1/250s f/10.0 at 85.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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