Descending Kane Gulch, Near Trailhead |
 Pourover in Kane Gulch |
 Stone Masonry at Junction Ruin |
 Granary at Junction Ruin |
 Pictographs of Hands at Junction Ruin |
 Potsherds at Junction Ruin...Note Corncob at Knife Point |
 Stimper Arch...Missed Turkey Pen Ruin...Darn! |
 Ruin Near Turkey Pen Ruin, in Grand Gulch |
 Pictograph...Antelope on Wheels? |
 Tons of Pictographs. What do They Mean? |
 Careful, Jim! |
 Not Much Left to This One |
 Is That a Corn Stalk? |
 Ah...Home Sweet Home |
 The Gang, Minus One |
 1st Night's Camp...Todie Canyon |
 Grand Gulch Ruin |
 Stone Metate & Mano for Grinding Corn |
 Potsherds |
 Descending Grand Gulch |
 Another Pouroff in Grand Gulch |
 This is One of About 50 Crossings in Grand Gulch...How Would You Like to Filter This Water? |
 Split Level Ruin Living Structure |
 Small Doorway? |
 The Thumb |
 2nd night's Campsite, at The Thumb Pouroff |
 Another Unnamed Ruin Near The Thumb |
 The Green Mask, Sheik's Canyon |
 Another Cornstalk? |
 Note the Emphasis on Breasts |
 Curly Haired Figure? |
 Headless Pictographs at Green Mask Site, Sheik's Canyon |
 It's Been Suggested That This Represents a Breached Birth...Note Head-up Position |
 Ruin at Green Mask Site, Sheik's Canyon |
 Another Inaccessible Ruin Along the Way in Grand Gulch |
 This is Our Water....Junction Springs |
 Playing Bananagram in the Primitive Gulch |
 The Guys Make Breakfast |
 Ruin Just Downstream From Junction, in Grand Gulch |
 Note Serrated Potsherds |
 Note Size of Cornstalk |
 Some More Handprints |
 All Right Hands, Then All Left Hands |
 Pincushion Cactus |
 Granary at Entrance to Green Canyon |
 Green Canyon Springs |
 The Green House Ruin, Green Canyon |
 The Green House Ruin, Green Canyon |
 Green Canyon Springs |
 Some More Pictographs...Note Snake Below Hand Print |
 Green Canyon |
 Grotto at End of Green Canyon |
 Looks Like a Massive Lightning Bolt... |
 "Lone Tree" on Tabletop |
 Meridian-Designs mÃœV Purifier...Our Water Treatment for the Trip...Worked Great! |
 Entrance to Rim Top Lookout Tower |
 Rim Top Lookout Tower, Near Junction (Bullet Canyon & Grand Gulch) |
 "Junction", Our Camp Was in the Cottonwoods. Junction Springs is Seasonally Intermittent |
 Hiking Up Bullet Canyon |
 Hoodoos on Mesa Top, Note Ruin Below in Alcove |
 Closeup of Unnamed Ruin |
 "Jailhouse Ruin", Note "hex" Pictograph |
 Closeup of "hex" Pictograph |
 "Jailhouse Ruin" |
 "Jailhouse Ruin" Rock Art |
 "Jailhouse Ruin" Hand Prints |
 Jailhouse Window |
 Caught in the "Jailhouse"! |
 Jailhouse Springs...Our Overnight Camp |
 "Jailhouse Ruin" |
 "Jailhouse Ruin" |
 Cool Place on a Hot Day, "Jailhouse Ruin" |
 Ancient Corn Cobs, "Jailhouse Ruin" |
 "Perfect Kiva", Restored by the BLM |
 Yeah, I Was Down Below |
 ...And I Layed Awake All Night Thinking of Hantavirus in the Dust Particles Dropping From the Roof, From Someone Walking On It!! |
 "Perfect Kiva" |
 Connecting With the Ancients...Vibes From the Puebloan Metate & Mano, "Perfect Kiva" |
 The "Gang" |
 Pictograph Hand Prints, "Perfect Kiva" |
 Lizard Encountering Aliens?, "Perfect Kiva" |
 Jailhouse Spring Overnight Camp Below, Note All the Social Trails |
 Our Home at Jailhouse Springs |
 Snow, on the Way Out Bullet Canyon |
 The 1st Pouroff |
 The 1st Pouroff |
 Approaching the 2nd Pouroff...the Most Difficult |
 Approaching the 3rd Pouroff |
 Approaching the 3rd Pouroff |
 Easterly Rim Top Lookout Tower, Near Exit of Bullet Canyon |