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Jim Kuykendall | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> mexico_2009 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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A Canna over looking Taxco.jpg
A Canna over looking Taxco.jpg
Veracruz Fishing Boat.jpg
Veracruz Fishing Boat.jpg
Zocalo in Veracruz.jpg
Zocalo in Veracruz.jpg
Nuestra Seņora de los Remedios.jpg
Nuestra Seņora de los Remedios.jpg
The ChurchNuestra Seņora de los Remedios in Cholula.jpg
The ChurchNuestra Seņora de los Remedios in Cholula.jpg
Entrance to the pyramid in Cholula.jpg
Entrance to the pyramid in Cholula.jpg
Side tunnel in the pyramid.jpg
Side tunnel in the pyramid.jpg
Linda in front of one of the many Alters.jpg
Linda in front of one of the many Alters.jpg
Steps at the Cholula pyramid.jpg
Steps at the Cholula pyramid.jpg
Alter at the pyramid.jpg
Alter at the pyramid.jpg
Church in Veracruz.jpg
Church in Veracruz.jpg
Dancing at the Festival on the First day of Spring.jpg
Dancing at the Festival on the First day of Spring.jpg
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