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Jim McKinlock | all galleries >> Galleries >> Skagit Valley Snow Geese > It Didn't Take Long
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It Didn't Take Long

Skagit Valley

For some other eagles to try and get a piece of the action.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM ,+ 1.4 TC
1/250s f/11.0 at 420.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Shelly- VA Beach22-Apr-2008 01:56
Super series of pics - and 3 eagles in one shot, lucky you!
Jonathan Popp16-Apr-2008 18:33
Jim, great series of photos. This shot grabs me the most with the three eagles caught in diffrent action. Very well done!
Jim McKinlock13-Apr-2008 17:46
Yes they are Tom, Thanks.
Tom Munson13-Apr-2008 17:22
Terrific image Jim. Are those Snow Goose feathers. V
Brian McAllister13-Apr-2008 16:31
Excellent image……
What a great series Jim!!!