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Jim Lanyon | profile | all galleries >> Animals >> insects tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Some of the local insects photographed over the past few years

Blue Damsel
Blue Damsel
Dragon fly in flight
Dragon fly in flight
Scorpion Fly
Scorpion Fly
Blue Damsel having lunch
Blue Damsel having "lunch"
Possibly a Northern Brown Argus?
Possibly a Northern Brown Argus?
Skipper Butterfly
Skipper Butterfly
Brown Argus
Brown Argus
Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis
Red Damsel
Red Damsel
4 Spot Chaser
4 Spot Chaser
Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Moth
Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Moth
Wallington Garden
Wallington Garden
Bumble Bee
Bumble Bee