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Jim Chiesa | all galleries >> Galleries >> My favourites > Sunrise discreet
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08 May 2005

Sunrise discreet

The rising sun is projecting the chimney's shadow onto the morning haze.

Le soleil levant projète l'ombre de la cheminée sur l'atmosphère matinale.

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Yiannis Pavlis26-Aug-2006 14:11
i really like this one .great use of empty space .
Guest 28-May-2006 15:03
It is too a great picture but it could not be nearly as good if it hadnt been for the detail of the airplane in the sky. BTW have you thought about the paradox that you are showing two transportation ways at the same time? It's not important but it just came to my head, by plane and by sea.
Barri Olson28-Nov-2005 07:44
This is a very cool shot...usually we all hate those jet contrails, but this one is great...I think it helps make the composition. The presence of humanity...the buildings and machines...and what a tremendous shadow in the morning air. Wow! This is excellent.
jlm06-Nov-2005 19:28
Alors là, c'est du grand art !!
Guest 14-Oct-2005 05:41
vraiment spendide
il y a des jours comme çà!
Ray :)20-Jun-2005 17:23
That's tremendous. Its an early bird that catches the vote!
ac08-Jun-2005 06:08
Hi Jim, de retour, un peu ? Joli ceci.
Marie-Hélène Raletz13-May-2005 04:40
De la poésie industrielle... :)))
La poésie est partout, si on cherche, on trouve!
Superbe composition, Jim, avec des tonalités subtiles.
Carol E Sandgren12-May-2005 05:14
Wonderfully moody! The industrial skyline against the blackened sky, and complete with a hopeful shooting star! (well maybe it's just a plane but I like to think it's a star!) The cross directions work well for the composition of your image too.
Marc Demoulin10-May-2005 06:46
Jim, super. Content de revoir ton travail. A+