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Lancaster County

These photographs were taken on a Saturday afternoon on the back roads of Southern Lancaster County, PA. Although the Amish communities are surrounded by urban sprawl they have continued to maintain their simple and peaceful lifestyle.
Young Amish Boy in Straw Hat
Young Amish Boy in Straw Hat
Baling Hay
Baling Hay
Belgian Horses
Belgian Horses
Young Amish Boy in Straw Hat
Young Amish Boy in Straw Hat
Bringing in the Hay
Bringing in the Hay
Bringing in the Hay
Bringing in the Hay
Bringing in the Hay
Bringing in the Hay
Quiet Reflection at Day's End
Quiet Reflection at Day's End
In the Fields
In the Fields
Young Amish Girl on Scooter
Young Amish Girl on Scooter
Young Amish Girl on Scooter
Young Amish Girl on Scooter
In the Fields
In the Fields
In the Fields
In the Fields
Shortcut Through the Corn Fields
Shortcut Through the Corn Fields
Heading Home
Heading Home
Shortcut Through the Corn Fields
Shortcut Through the Corn Fields
Heading Home
Heading Home
Heading Home
Heading Home
In the Fields
In the Fields
Heading Home
Heading Home
Email Free Zone
Email Free Zone
Wash Day
Wash Day
In the Fields
In the Fields
Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Anne's Lace
Quiet Reflection at Day's End
Quiet Reflection at Day's End
Young Amish Boy on Seesaw
Young Amish Boy on Seesaw
Quiet Reflection at Day's End
Quiet Reflection at Day's End
Shortcut Through the Corn Fields
Shortcut Through the Corn Fields
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Tobacco Harvest
Wash Day
Wash Day
Wash Day
Wash Day
Young Amish Boy in Straw Hat
Young Amish Boy in Straw Hat