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Jeff Herbert | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colorado tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Winking Mountain Goat
Winking Mountain Goat
Marmot in Wildflowers
Marmot in Wildflowers
Bucking Horns
Bucking Horns
Bighorn Snack
Bighorn Snack
Little Climber
Little Climber
Mule Deer
Mule Deer
Sure Footed
Sure Footed
Marmot Teeth
Marmot Teeth
Marmot Lunch
Marmot Lunch
Marmot land
Marmot land
Out of Breath
Out of Breath
Cirque South of Mt. Quandary
Cirque South of Mt. Quandary
Centennial Falls
Centennial Falls
Twin Lakes on Mt. Evans
Twin Lakes on Mt. Evans
Abandoned Mine
Abandoned Mine
Mt. Quandary Meadow
Mt. Quandary Meadow
Self Portrait
Self Portrait
Abanoned Mine Tracks
Abanoned Mine Tracks
Telluride Stroll
Telluride Stroll
Elk on the Move
Elk on the Move
Elk on the Watch
Elk on the Watch
Morning Rest
Morning Rest
Snow Melt
Snow Melt
Marmots Chillin
Marmots Chillin
You're in Charge Today
You're in Charge Today