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j. charles grant | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photos of Mills tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Photos of Mills

I love mills like these. They make great subjects. Moved this gallery to the root as it seems to have a life of it's own now. -j.
Yates Mill Tranquillity
Yates Mill Tranquillity
Water Wheel
Water Wheel
Yates Mill July 2005
Yates Mill July 2005
Yates Mill Falls
Yates Mill Falls
Pulley at the Mill
Pulley at the Mill
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Waterfall by Mill July 22, 2005
Waterfall by Mill July 22, 2005
Twig Suicide
Twig Suicide
yates mill falls
yates mill falls
Mill by Water
Mill by Water
House by the mill
House by the mill
House and the Falls
House and the Falls