Crown of Thorns
I shot this one day while on a hike with a friend. It caught my eye as I walked past and it was just the way it hung there. When I took the photo what captured me was how the barbed wire was hanging about on this stump of a tree. But when I got it home and really looked at it, I couldn't help but be reminded of the crown of thorns that is often depicted on a crucifix.
I have another version in my gallery which is slightly green. It's the effect of a stray mouse click in CaptureOne by Phase One. (Cool program if you shoot in RAW.) I really liked the way that one turned out also but this version has been edited using CaptureNX. I feel this is the photo that has been hidden in all that data originally captured on my D100. I must admit, I was never very satisfied with the D100. I no longer have the 50mm lens I used to take this photo. I used to think it was useless but the more I pour over older photos that I've taken with it, I realize it is one of the sharpest lenses I had in my bag.
Cold Heron
It was very cold this morning when I took this photo. The heron seemed aware of me but not threatened. It was wonderful getting out to take this picture. I took the day off from work and took the time to investigate a new spot in Raleigh I had seen in passing over the years. I think this was worth bearing the elements.
Willows In The Wind
My neice, Heather, took this photo. I found it on my CF card when I got home and began working on it. The more I worked with it the more it looked like a painting. I like how it turned out. I think Heather has a great eye.
Took this shot today while at Yates Mill. I like it because of the reflection in the water. The water just has this wonderful blue cast to it from the sky. I did nothing to the image to get the sky to show up this color, i guess it was just the angle I was at.
Tranquillity at Yates Mill
I went to Yates Mill today. It's one of my favorite places in Raleigh. This shot was taken at the end of the ramp down by the water wheel. It was my first opportunity to get a new shot as the mill recently opened to the public earlier this year. I was a little pressed for time so I am looking forward to going back this coming week.
Hopefully I will have more time to spend there.
This was also my first outing with my new D200. I am still getting used to it. I am working through some of the settings but have not had the opportunity to work with a subject that interests me quite the way Yates Mill does. There is just something here that speaks to me.
UPDATE: 25-November-06 Today I thought I might get another chance to update this photo with a bit different crop, possibly more water going over the fall, but alas, this area is closed for the season. It goes to show you that you only get one opportunity to get it right!!