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JG Russell | profile | all galleries >> Vacations & Trips >> Southern Africa 2008 >> The Kill tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Kill

Pride of African lions
with zebra

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The pride and its prey
The pride and its prey
Male gets to eat first with one lioness
Male gets to eat first with one lioness
One lioness walks off into bush
One lioness walks off into bush
Male continues to eat
Male continues to eat
Lioness who ate first takes a break
Lioness who ate first takes a break
Lioness returns with cubs
Lioness returns with cubs
A total of four cubs
A total of four cubs
Lioness sits waiting with cubs
Lioness sits waiting with cubs
Lioness brings cubs towards kill
Lioness brings cubs towards kill
Male has scared cubs who hold back
Male has scared cubs who hold back
Male allows cubs to feed
Male allows cubs to feed
Cubs get brave and climb over kill
Cubs get brave and climb over kill
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