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Southern Africa 2008

Once in a lifetime trip
to Southern Africa --
South Africa, Botswana,
Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia
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Judy, Fred & Grant
Judy, Fred & Grant
(L-R) Nami, Likan and Grant
(L-R) Nami, Likan and Grant
Namibian boy
Namibian boy
Elephants at the Chobe River
Elephants at the Chobe River
Elephants swimming the Chobe River
Elephants swimming the Chobe River
Sunset over Chobe River
Sunset over Chobe River
Lion cubs in Zimbabwe
Lion cubs in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwean cubs play
Zimbabwean cubs play
Male cub in Zimbabwe
Male cub in Zimbabwe
Male cub in Zimbabwe 2
Male cub in Zimbabwe 2
Lion cub in Zimbabwe
Lion cub in Zimbabwe
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