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One Year Old

Bawei and Mimi are both almost one year old in April, 2012. I let them out sometimes to play in the garden. But after once Mimi was almost hit by a car I dare not risk any more. I think I will let them out in summer only at night.
Bawei is on the Roof
Bawei is on the Roof
Mimi resting
Mimi resting
A beautiful Girl
A beautiful Girl
Playing in the Garden
Playing in the Garden
What happens?
What happens?
Begging for Snacks... No one can resist, or?
Begging for Snacks... No one can resist, or?
Eager to go out...
Eager to go out...
Mimi and the Mouse
Mimi and the Mouse
Bawei meditating...
Bawei meditating...
Anything up there?
Anything up there?
Playing with the Mouse...
Playing with the Mouse...
Mimi is a pretty Girl...
Mimi is a pretty Girl...
Bawei is a naughty Boy...
Bawei is a naughty Boy...
Bawei and his new Toy...
Bawei and his new Toy...