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JerryE | profile | all galleries >> Italy 2012 >> Cinque Terre tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cinque Terre

We took a bus from the hotel in Viareggio to Manarola stopping to pick up our local guide in La Spezia. From Manarola, we took a train to Monterosso for panarama view of the Cinque Terre villages. The villages are all quiet quaint and very colorful. We enjoyed a walking tour of Monterosso. Following lunch we boarded a ferry to take us back to Porto Venere. The views of the Cinque Terre villages from the sea were magnificent. Built on the side of cliffs, the villages were like little jewels. We overnighted in Viareggio at the Grand Hotel Principe di Piemonte right on the beach.
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The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
The Trip to Manarola
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