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Jérôme Michaud | all galleries >> Panoramiques / Panoramic >> Pano Gerardmer - Col de la Schlucht (Vosges - France) > [1] IXUS, Vosges, 11 images, IMG_3492 - IMG_3502 - 10678x2818 - SCUL-Smartblend.jpg
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[1] IXUS, Vosges, 11 images, IMG_3492 - IMG_3502 - 10678x2818 - SCUL-Smartblend.jpg

Canon PowerShot SD700IS
1/100s f/2.8 at 5.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Bartosz Kotulski26-Mar-2009 10:19
such a wonderful pano. amazing lighting and great POC. Great mood. voted