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Jeremy | all galleries >> Yesteryear's Old Photos ... >> Old Travel Photos >> Europe > Cable Car Ride To Mt Titlis (Apr 90)
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Cable Car Ride To Mt Titlis (Apr 90)

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Guest 21-Mar-2006 00:54
chamé !
Jeremy05-Mar-2006 01:31
Hi, LeeG
Thanks for your comment. This is an old picture. It was taken through the window glass of our cable car as it was ascending to Mt Titlis. We were lucky, it had just snowed heavily the night before, so the view and scenery both on the cable ride and at the top of Mt Titlis itself were spectacular. The snow was soft, deep and pure, being freshly fallen. Cheers.
Lee G04-Mar-2006 06:15
Cool shot, literally! Brrrr that looks cold! !

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