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Model Shoot - Alyona

This is a redux of an old photo posted years ago. I have warmed the tones in this redux compared to the original version which looked a bit too yellowish/greenish to me now.

I personally like this portrait because the look and expression of her face, her pose, the sweep of her hair blown by the fan etc, all occur spontaneously and come together to work for this picture in that moment-in-time only. If we were to repeat the shoot again, we would not be able to replicate the same photo …

Such “moment-in-time” captures, be it of models or animals, are treasures where they do work. Even for landscapes, there are occasions when beautiful lighting, dramatic clouds and/or ocean waves occur and come together for a few short moments-in-time to create a special scene …

We are fortunate if we are at the right place at the right time to capture such moments …

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pierre12-Sep-2024 13:30
Un splendide portrait de ce joli modèle très expressif! V
Bill Miller21-Aug-2024 10:59
Very beautiful picture
Jean-Claude Billonneau23-Jul-2024 14:28
Une belle mise en scène pour ce magnifique portrait. V
Fabienne13-Jul-2024 21:56
Quel magnifique portrait avec une mise en scène superbe et qui garde tout son naturel.
Dennis Hoyne12-Jul-2024 03:13
An exceptional portrait. I love that expression.
Julie Oldfield06-Jul-2024 13:09
Gorgeous! V
Jeff Real04-Jul-2024 12:54
What an amazing expression!
This is so great! You are a man of many talents!
Dave Petersen Photography04-Jul-2024 12:25
A very expressive portrait with a wonderful spontaneous mood. An eye catching pose enhanced by the terrific lighting and tight framing. Very nicely done. VV
janescottcumming04-Jul-2024 11:34
Isn't it interesting when you go back and look at photo and see things you didn't see before. This photo deserved a second look by you. It is a great moment in time. It all comes together beautifully and the tones look just perfect to me in this redux. V
Charlene Ambrose04-Jul-2024 01:38
Fabulous portrait. V
Richard Chu03-Jul-2024 23:27
Terrific portrait! I like the expression and skin tone! V
globalgadabout03-Jul-2024 17:10
a precious moment pulsating with feeling...what a skillful capture you made..V
marie-jose wolff03-Jul-2024 15:25
what a beautiful expression on her face! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos03-Jul-2024 14:54
Amazing expression and a wonderful portrait work. V
Helen Betts03-Jul-2024 11:50
A most engaging portrait, and I agree, one you could never capture again. V.
joseantonio03-Jul-2024 10:57
Nice work with this portrait. You managed to capture that beautiful expression so nicely..V
Graeme03-Jul-2024 09:59
A fine portrait and pose, Jeremy.V
Danad03-Jul-2024 09:53
Great pose and superb light for this beautiful portrait !
Dan Opdal03-Jul-2024 09:14
Beautiful pose and tones! Beautiful portrait. V
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