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Model Shoot - Marina

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Jeff Real17-Aug-2024 13:31
Her expression is so mysterious and intriguing!
This is really excellent portraiture.
I feel the background complements here in a fine way.
Dan Opdal29-Jul-2024 05:13
Beautiful portrait with wonderful tones! V
Richard Chu25-Jun-2024 06:18
A beautiful model beautifully photographed! V
Jean-Claude Billonneau24-Jun-2024 16:10
Un superbe portrait tout en douceur. V
Bill Taylor24-Jun-2024 13:34
Beautiful Portrait!
Apostolos Tikopoulos22-Jun-2024 17:12
So beautiful portrait work. V
Alain Boussac21-Jun-2024 07:04
She is a beauty and so is your portrait of her. V.
janescottcumming20-Jun-2024 23:22
A beautiful portrait. She is so pretty and I love the soft pastel colors behind her. V
Danad17-Jun-2024 07:52
A great portrait of her !
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