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C'est la Vie

I found this awesome glass on my road trip with Penelope last weekend at one of the antique shops.
That blue paper that I am holding is what I received in the mail today from my condo association.

"Dear Owner,

Recently, there have been several complaints received concerning designated play areas within the community.
The only areas designated for playing is the park area and the area at the basketball court along with the adjacent field.
Playing in the common areas behind, front and the fire lanes is not permitted.
Please review the following rules..."

The so-called dilapidated play area is a swing set that has rusted chains.
One seat sits so high that buG cannot get on it alone.
The other is so low you cannot swing without dragging your knees!
It is surrounded by drains with large rocks that are unsafe for kids.
This letter is a direct result of my neighbor across from me.
She stands at her door with her hands on her hips
staring at the kids.
She is the same woman whom complained about 3 lb Max playing on the grass.
I am so angry.
How pathetic is it when children do not bring joy to someone.
This is NOT a retirement community and more and more children have moved in.
I will be going to next month's meeting along with pictures of these so-called play areas and I will fight to have the bylaws updated.

...Is this really what life's all about?
Whatcha Gonna Do, Whatcha Gonna Feel? I don't know
Whatcha Gonna Feel, Whatcha Gonna Do? Oo won't someone tell me
Whatcha Wanna Say, Whatcha Wanna Do? There's only one thing left to say
Whatcha Wanna Do, Whatcha Wanna Say? Ooooo

C'est La Vie, C'est La Vie - That's just the way it goes (That's Life) Oh yeah
C'est La Vie, C'est La Vie - That's just the way it goes (That's Life)

Robbie Nevil

Casio EX-Z750
1/8s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 09-Oct-2007 17:02
Thats a mean glass of wine Thatslife:-)

Mogadog was a grunge band I think:-)
carol j. phipps01-Oct-2007 01:58
Stand up!
Martha Albuquerque29-Sep-2007 15:16
well, i agree with Olivier in this one, Jen.. go kick their ass! and about that meeting in your condo.. yes, let's do it!

all the best, Jen,

R. Walls29-Sep-2007 14:56
Proud and honored to be a part of the trailer trash club! Count me in; I've got plenty of rocks in my head I've been waiting to throw at someone!
Jim Larkin29-Sep-2007 06:11
Oh yeah, sweet shot too. Your eyes don't really strike me as saying "C'est la Vie" though.
Jim Larkin29-Sep-2007 06:10
Dang it. I finally see this and now I am exhausted. I am too tired to fight but I seriously want to give someone the smack-a-laca beat down they deserve. I even have a sweet mask to wear so no one knows it's me. Yeah. When's the meeting? I'm getting liquored up and bringing my mask. Yeah. That's what I am doing. Dang it. Have Bug paint some rocks for me. Big heavy ones. Don't ask, just do it. I got big plans baby, BIG PLANS. Oh yeah, I'll need duct tape, three mousetraps, and a gallon of Italian salad dressing. Big plans. ;)
Ray :)28-Sep-2007 22:40
Hey, perhaps we could have a big international PBase meet at the next condo meeting!
Your PBase family is mightier than some think!
Paradoxal Studio Classic28-Sep-2007 21:17
Are you living in Desperate Housewives' Wisteria Lane ???
Guest 28-Sep-2007 21:02
When's the meeting? Count me in. What a bunch of BS! Sounds like somebody needs a life. She is going down.
J. Scott Coile28-Sep-2007 18:06
Yep... grass was never meant for recreation, just something to pay to have mowed each week ;-) Blow her away... FAR away!
Guest 28-Sep-2007 17:46
So what's in the glass, Jen? Forget about this rehab thingie, and get a drink. And if you see MOG, or any other bitter "peine a jouir", tell them that I am so sorry for their bitterness.
Deborah Lewis28-Sep-2007 16:17
Let me know when the next meeting - I'm going with you!
Guest 28-Sep-2007 14:31
That will be an interesting meeting
Dave Wixx28-Sep-2007 14:00
You have to admire how tiresome some people can be, your association and MOG.
Some people just have nothing better to do than be little Hitlers. If my history serves me well Hitler died with a diminishing fan club, so I suspect the same will happen to them!!!
Renee Lockett28-Sep-2007 11:52
Unbelievable that someone would complain about children playing. With your awesome picture-taking skills, you'll be able to accent the problems in those "designated" play areas. We're all behind you, Jen.
Guest 28-Sep-2007 11:46
Fight the power my friend! And if they do want to play hardball, I am sure an attorney would love to "talk" to the condo association about the conditions at the "playground."
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2007 11:18
Go get 'em Jen! I myself enjoy watching the kids play and they often carry their play into my front yard and I get when balls thrown into my backyard and it is always a pleasure to tell them, yes sweetie, you can play in my yard and if you need to get your ball, the gate is open. Children's laughter and play is the best medicine there is. Too bad MOG ("Mean Old Guest") doesn't have a heart. I don't know what MOG is supposed to stand for but to me it is Mean Old Guest...he/she needs to get a life.
Carole Stevens28-Sep-2007 10:47
Youd make a great politician Jen you go girl and get them sorted, she's just a miserable old spinster!
olivier bruning28-Sep-2007 08:24
it's good they have you to kick's a beautiful shot btw! V
beverley harrison28-Sep-2007 07:19
OMG!! your neighbour? its MOG!! go jen go!!...someone has to stick up for these kids!!
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2007 06:50
Oh, and this is a beautiful SP of yours :)
Love the glass, too.
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2007 06:49
I'm on your side, Jen, the same in our local communities happen. People don't give children right to play, area to play, and this is the only age the kids may and should feel free, no fences, just happiness. Go figt, girl!
RALPH ELDRIDGE28-Sep-2007 06:30
Give Bug a flashing light and a VERY loud siren. Then she could use the fire lane!!!
But I suppose I'm being un-helpful. Feuds within a community are never good.
Nontheless, I'm reminded so much of that PTA down in Harper Valley. It was September 28th, 1968, that Jeannie C. Riley hit BillBoard's #1 with that song.
Sock it to the Harper Valley Hypocrites!!!
FairEnigma28-Sep-2007 04:13
I think this is a great photo because it exemplifies change and how we handle it, or in this case, perpetuate change because it's necessary to make the World a better place...
I hope the C0ND0 Association will take your concerns seriously and upgrade the play area so the children have a safe & happy place to play and grow wonderful childhood memories because people that grow up without that...well...they are just bitter & sad. Let us know how it goes!
Linda Matta28-Sep-2007 04:05
Linda Matta28-Sep-2007 04:05
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2007 04:00
MOG probably enjoys throwing snowballs at moving traffic
and taking away toys from kids in the park.
Easy targets for someone who gets pleasure from inflicting
misery on other people and obviously doesn't have the ability
to understand his own actions.
Typically this would be attributed to his lack of proper
toilet training.
Never too late to learn MOG.
Jen Bixler28-Sep-2007 03:48
LOL! The def of MOG!:
–verb (used without object)
1. to move on, depart, or decamp (usually fol. by off or on).
2. to walk or move along gently, slowly, and steadily.
–verb (used with object)
3. to cause to go from one place to another.
Guest 28-Sep-2007 03:21
No doubt about that, Jen, go get 'em! Good illustration shot, keep us posted. -Ben
Jen Bixler28-Sep-2007 03:15
Dear MOG~ MOVE ALONG! You are not welcome here. I am tired of your useless NON helpful comments. Your nasty ways do not sit well with me or my other pbase family members that you seem to condemn. And if I did live in a trailer park, it probably is an upgrade from the hole you crawled out of.
Guest 28-Sep-2007 03:12
We all gotta have a cause, meager as it may be...but do yourself a favor; when you go in to fight the good fight - remember that Robbie Nevil is _not_ associated with tough. If the trailer park association laughs as hard as I did, someone's liable to pass out from lack of oxygen. MOG
dane28-Sep-2007 03:11
Try killin' her with kindness and if that doesn't work ... ummm... errrr... uhhhhhh... guess I'd better NOT say.
Mike Stobbs28-Sep-2007 02:33
Go kick some Ass Jen......I'm on your side...Mike
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