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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> No "I" in Team > CatWoman
By Thierry Malaval
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By Thierry Malaval

Just to let everyone know...
my left eye is just fine.
The large pupil yesterday was from the drops the doctor put in it
to look deep into the eye!
And this is Thierry having fun with the original image!
I am NOT in the process of becoming CatWoman....I promise!

other sizes: small medium original auto
woodswoman04-Feb-2007 01:31
Yeah, that's what you say! Are you sure last night's full moon didn't have something to do with this?
Guest 03-Feb-2007 23:40
scary scary but cool
Dan Chusid03-Feb-2007 23:23
Getting a craving for Tender Vittles lately?
: )

PS: Sending you that scratching post you requested.
Bill Ewart Jr03-Feb-2007 22:31
Enough !!! Stop !~ Now you're really looking scary!~~ Where's Batman?
The Third Side03-Feb-2007 22:20
Had that done once -- HATED it. Glad the eye is fine.
Carole Stevens03-Feb-2007 21:26
Great work Jen love this!
Guest 03-Feb-2007 20:37
Clever, but great shame to spoil such beauties!
Guest 03-Feb-2007 19:51
wow. this is kind of spooky. neat photo
JW03-Feb-2007 19:31
Amazing! So even a trip to the opticians opens up photo-opportunities!! LOL

Victoria03-Feb-2007 18:48
ha ha, excellent .........Jennifer..very interesting explanation
Marwan Habib03-Feb-2007 18:44
Excellent! ;-)
Ray :)03-Feb-2007 18:42
You out on the prowl tonight? ;-)
Guest 03-Feb-2007 18:42
Gorgeous color eyes you have, no matter HOW they are dilated!
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