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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> One Day At A Time >> July 2006 > Goggle Grin
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Goggle Grin

A BIG thank you to everyone for getting this in2 the popular photo gallery! It means a lot...

Casio EX-Z750
1/1000s f/8.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
brianmicky 22-Feb-2007 17:04
nicely seen Jen plenty of smiles to see if you are looking!
Guest 16-Jan-2007 02:10
i absolutely love this shot! you have a great eye!
Bill Warren19-Dec-2006 21:16
This shot shows how much it is the eye and mind that makes the image--not the gear. Voted for composition and framing.
Ray :)17-Dec-2006 14:49
Smiling back. This is fabulous.
Paradoxal Studio Classic16-Dec-2006 09:06
THIS is a big smile !
Guest 20-Nov-2006 00:30
Unique perspective. Voted.
ML06-Sep-2006 00:29
This looks like one of the characters from the cartoon duck tales! hehe
Sharon Rogers18-Jul-2006 14:04
very very clever shot! v>
Patrick Bold16-Jul-2006 19:31
Very eye catching shot! Well spotted! Big vote
Regards, Patrick
Robin Reid13-Jul-2006 17:43
Wow... great eye!
carol j. phipps13-Jul-2006 02:33
Another creative view. V
Bill Ewart Jr12-Jul-2006 20:18
Excellent creativity! Those colors caught my eye too! V
Doug Kessler12-Jul-2006 13:20
Jen, you are really getting the hang of this photography thing : )
that is a wonderfully composed and colorful picture. big vote!
royalld12-Jul-2006 13:02
Great picture. I agree with JD, entirely. Voted...
Guest 12-Jul-2006 12:57
What a great picture to start my day! You are so clever.
Renee Lockett12-Jul-2006 11:41
Awesome shot, Jen. Thanks for the smile! :)
Victoria12-Jul-2006 09:32
Brilliant shot
QUERIDO12-Jul-2006 06:16
super !
Michael Shpuntov12-Jul-2006 02:55
Super. Agree with others. Brilliant idea and terrific execution. V
Mike Stobbs12-Jul-2006 02:34
Super image Jennifer.......keep it up.....Mike
Guest 12-Jul-2006 00:25
Technically very well done - composition, colors, focus - and it carries also perfectly the context! Voted.
Char12-Jul-2006 00:13
That's so cute Jennifer!!!!!!
Guest 11-Jul-2006 23:52
Here's lookin at you babe! Great image jen.
Dan Chusid11-Jul-2006 23:43
Strap those on me....I'm going in!

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