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PHOTO A DAY (Sometimes)

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2016-03-20 16:19
2016-03-20 16:19
Pink gallardia with visitor
Pink gallardia with visitor
Caterpillar on Purple Coneflower
Caterpillar on Purple Coneflower
Minkler Cash Store
Minkler Cash Store
Team in Training, near Springville,  CA
Team in Training, near Springville, CA
Spider web on a foggy morning
Spider web on a foggy morning
Spider web on fence
Spider web on fence
San Francisco Downtown at Night
San Francisco Downtown at Night
Golden Gate Bridge at Night
Golden Gate Bridge at Night
Willie Nelson Sept 14, 2010
Willie Nelson Sept 14, 2010
:: july_2010lensbaby_images ::
Happy Birthday, Aden!
Happy Birthday, Aden!
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