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Jean Ray | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Eastern Sierra and Bodie, Fall 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Eastern Sierra and Bodie, Fall 2005

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First Light at Mono Lake
First Light at Mono Lake
Early morning clouds
Early morning clouds
Relections at Dawn
Relections at Dawn
Mono Lake with Sierras in background
Mono Lake with Sierras in background
Backlit Leaf
Backlit Leaf
River reflections at Lee Vining Canyon
River reflections at Lee Vining Canyon
Roadside concert near Lee Vining Canyon
Roadside concert near Lee Vining Canyon
Beaver dams in Lundy Canyon
Beaver dams in Lundy Canyon
Fallen leaves
Fallen leaves
The work of busy beavers
The work of busy beavers
Reflections in Bodie Saloon Windows
Reflections in Bodie Saloon Windows
Reflection of old cooking pot
Reflection of old cooking pot
Old Gas Pump
Old Gas Pump
An old wagon mirrored in window at Bodie
An old wagon mirrored in window at Bodie
Willie Bodie  strikes a pose
Willie Bodie strikes a pose
Old steps and fence
Old steps and fence
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