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Jeanette Sansom | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rancho El Topo & Rancho Gavilan 6-22-02 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rancho El Topo & Rancho Gavilan 6-22-02

Wayne, Kelly Ann, Lynette & Jeanette riding with the Sandovals at Rancho El Topo and camping with Werner and Dave at Rancho Gavilan
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Jeanette & Chinate
Jeanette & Chinate
Relaxing with a cold drink
Relaxing with a cold drink
Relaxing at Rancho Gavilan under a full moon
Relaxing at Rancho Gavilan under a full moon
Chow time
Chow time
Carne Asada & salmon feast
Carne Asada & salmon feast
Werner going for more
Werner going for more
Dave monitoring the water
Dave monitoring the water
Werner cranking down the drill
Werner cranking down the drill
Jeanette cooking up breakfast
Jeanette cooking up breakfast
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