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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chouette Lapone Great Grey Owl > Chouette Lapone - Great Grey Owl
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Chouette Lapone - Great Grey Owl

Canon EOS 50D
1/500s f/8.0 at 420.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Monique Becker et Jean Luc Bocquillon01-Mar-2013 19:04
superbe vote
Nestor Derkach01-Mar-2013 18:19
Very beautiful portrait , amazing detail in original .
Vote 10+
Alain Boussac01-Mar-2013 14:20
Wow, excellent capture, Jean ! BV.
Lamar Nix01-Mar-2013 13:55
Very smooth image in porfile!
Stephanie01-Mar-2013 13:08
It is nice to see the back of the owl Jean!
Beautiful image and dof! VV
francoisconstantin01-Mar-2013 13:06
Excellent profil de cette chouette.
NealyBob01-Mar-2013 07:32
Fantastic capture of this beautiful owl Jean~! Very sharp and colorful details~!V
danad01-Mar-2013 07:30
Very fine capture, with sharp details. V.
Jean D01-Mar-2013 04:10
Une prise charmante, Jean. Il est pret a prendre son sommeil. ~V
Hank Vander Velde01-Mar-2013 02:59
Nice sharp image Jean.
Simon Chandler01-Mar-2013 02:57
Excellent portrait of a unique profile of the subject. v
Lise De Serres01-Mar-2013 01:38
Très joli, les couleurs sont superbes sous cette belle lumière!
Ken Chambers ARPS01-Mar-2013 01:33
Really looks as though he is having forty winks......
woody3401-Mar-2013 00:32
Unusual pose ....not always possible to see such great detail of those back feathers...appreciate the lovely shot...V
Pierre28-Feb-2013 23:47
Une pose originale qui dévoile son magnifique plumage! V
Helen Betts28-Feb-2013 23:32
Such an unusual pose! It looks like he's sleeping. Super capture as always, Jean. V.
Eric Martin28-Feb-2013 22:55
Très joli portrait, bravo Jean.
Frank Brault28-Feb-2013 22:53
A superb portrait with fantastic detail, bokeh and light. V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Feb-2013 22:03
Wonderful sharp. details in the plumage. A fine shot Jean. "V"