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Earth: Animals

For millions of years, life has evolved in Planet Earth. Plants and animals have fulfilled their evolutionary program and have multiplied in billions of forms and shapes, without jeopardising the harmony of the globe. Only with a brutal change in climate, with almost unknown causes, did the Dinosaurs that have reproduced and fought for over 600 million years disappeared. Life itself continued in a seamless unstoppable way.
When that bipod mammal we call "Man" has reached a stage of evolution next to the one we find ourselves today, he found a green earth, rich in forests and clean water oceans. The skies were filled with birds and the seas with fish, corals and plants.
A few thousands of years were enough for them to change all they had found. Like a spoilt brat that destroys its heritage and starves, so "Man" has thrived to destroy what makes him live. And so it will be until he gains conscience of the consequences of his acts.

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Gaivota TO
Gaivota TO
Green Fish
Green Fish
Bonaire' Yellow Oriole (Icterus nigrogularis)
Bonaire' Yellow Oriole (Icterus nigrogularis)
Pelican, Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Pelican, Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Dear Deer
Dear Deer
Deer II
Deer II
The Goodbye Call, In Autumn
The Goodbye Call, In Autumn
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