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Guest 21-Dec-2008 23:24
Hi John & Trish,
I enjoyed viewing the photos, I always look forward to the Wroton report an wish you ongoing success.

Best wishes for 2009,
The Nieves Family
Cori Jablonski-Garlock 21-Jul-2008 18:49
John&Trish- Thank you for sharing your pictures.
They brought a lot of pleasure to both Audrey and I.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 12:10
Your photos have kept me glued to the computer screen for hours.
Uncle Jeff 07-Nov-2005 00:24

Where's the October pictures? :)
jcwroton24-Nov-2004 03:37
Danke schon. Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen but its been over 15 years since I've spoken it. My spelling probably isn't so good either!

Thanks for your kind note.

Guest 10-Nov-2004 22:41
Hi there!

Just wanted to let you know that I somehow stumbled across your albums.
Very nice photos - sincerest greetings to everyone and thanks for sharing a piece of your life.

Warm greetings from Germany,
yours truely,
Guido "Selinaar" Meyer
Hesters 16-Oct-2003 01:58
Yes, us geeky types can find the hidden guestbook and be the first ones on the block to post a message. Love all the pics John and Trish. Ben is growing so fast! Great to see everyone so happy :)
Miss you much!
Mary, David, Nicholas Hester