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2002 Time's-Up!, Folds-Up Ride

Folders' Day Bicycle Ride & Festival for folding bicycles (and the folding curious).
The ride began from New York City's Cooper Union and traveled about ten miles following a route that led, among other places, over the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges ending in Manhattan (at Thompson & Broome Streets) where the festival took place. Dahon, Swift, Bike Friday, Brompton, Strida, Microbike, Raleigh and a separable Moulton Spaceframe were among the brands of folding bicycles that were represented at this fun event.
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...heading south along the East River

...heading south along the East River

East River Park compression stop

East River Park compression stop

Hannah...keeping the ride running smoothly

Hannah...keeping the ride running smoothly

East River railing ...Manhattan Bridge in the background....

East River railing ...Manhattan Bridge in the background....

The group stops along the East Side Bikeway in order to enjoy the view

The group stops along the East Side Bikeway in order to enjoy the view

Late afternoon's lengthening shadows, a warm summer breeze, and a great view of both the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges made this a nice spot for a break....
Folds-Up 2002 Late afternoon shadows....

Late afternoon's lengthening shadows, a warm summer breeze, and a great view of both the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges made this a nice spot for a break....

View of the Brooklyn Bridge taken from the Manhattan Bridge

View of the Brooklyn Bridge taken from the Manhattan Bridge

Brooklyn-bound on the Manhattan Bridge's bike and pedestrian path, a smiling Sharon Anstey on her Microbike with TU's John Chiarella on his Dahon.

Brooklyn-bound on the Manhattan Bridge's bike and pedestrian path, a smiling Sharon Anstey on her Microbike with TU's John Chiarella on his Dahon.

TU member Judy, astride her Brompton, smiles for the camera at the Manhattan tower of the Manhattan Bridge

TU member Judy, astride her Brompton, smiles for the camera at the Manhattan tower of the Manhattan Bridge

Ride leader Hannah Borgeson,conversing with unidentified STAFF member at the Manhattan tower of The Brooklyn Bridge.  Look at that sky!  Mother Nature sent a beautiful day.

Ride leader Hannah Borgeson,conversing with "unidentified STAFF member" at the Manhattan tower of The Brooklyn Bridge. Look at that sky! Mother Nature sent a beautiful day.

Your gallery owner mugging for the camera on the Brooklyn Bridge

Your gallery owner mugging for the camera on the Brooklyn Bridge

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