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When taking candid shots I always respect the privacy of the people whose photograph I'm capturing.
If you find yourself in any of my galleries and feel uncomfortable being there, just send me a message or leave a private comment under the photograph and I will remove it immediately.
Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience it may have caused.

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2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Faces of Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Ken Barichello - Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Ken Barichello - Katakolon, Greece
2011 - Dubrovnick, Croatia
2011 - Dubrovnick, Croatia
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - Faces of Bari, Italy
2011 - John de Freitas
2011 - John de Freitas
2011 - Mediterranean Cruise - Katakolon, Greece - Ken Barichello
2011 - Mediterranean Cruise - Katakolon, Greece - Ken Barichello
2011 - Calgary - Alberta - Ken
2011 - Calgary - Alberta - Ken
2011 - Vancouver Island - Pacific Rim National Park - Wickaninnish Beach - Ken
2011 - Vancouver Island - Pacific Rim National Park - Wickaninnish Beach - Ken
2011 - Vancouver Island - Pacific Rim National Park - Wickaninnish Beach - Ken
2011 - Vancouver Island - Pacific Rim National Park - Wickaninnish Beach - Ken
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