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John C. de Freitas | all galleries >> Colours of the Season >> Summers Colours > 2016 - Brugmansia, Edwards Garden - Toronto, Ontario - Canada
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2016 - Brugmansia, Edwards Garden - Toronto, Ontario - Canada

Please click HERE to learn and participate on this month, September 2016, Pbase Photo Challenge ~ COLORS".

*** Please click on the thumbnail bellow to take you to my other Photo Gallery***

PBase Show & Tell Competition Winning Photographs




Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM
1/250s f/5.0 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
cits_4_pets17-Sep-2016 02:38
Beautiful colors and details in this fabulous composition. WOW!!!v
LynnH16-Sep-2016 21:05
I'm so happy that you dropped in for the challenge (well, called a theme now)
I love these golden brugmansia. We call them Angels Trumpets here. Excellent photo with heavenly lighting. V
Jola Dziubinska16-Sep-2016 20:58
This is stunning, John! Looks like a giant chandelier and the light is magical! V.
laine16-Sep-2016 02:54
an absolute wow !! so beautifully captured, John. V
jeanb16-Sep-2016 01:10
Wonderful light.
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