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Jerry E Schmitz | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Panama Canal tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Panama Canal

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 Miraflores Boat Landing
Miraflores Boat Landing
Our ride to work - Pacific to Atlantic
Our ride to work - Pacific to Atlantic
The last boat
The last boat
Rainy Morning at the Boat Landing
Rainy Morning at the Boat Landing
Gatun Control Bldg
Gatun Control Bldg
Gatun Locks
Gatun Locks
US Navy Patrol Craft
US Navy Patrol Craft
Crossing to the Pacific Side
Crossing to the Pacific Side
Freighter in the Lock
Freighter in the Lock
US Submarine in Transit
US Submarine in Transit
Gatun Locomotives
Gatun Locomotives
Submarine ready to enter Lake Gatun
Submarine ready to enter Lake Gatun
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